Chemical Maze Book

Posted on 26 July 2011 in Products by B. Statham

Chemical Maze Book

The ultimate Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients guide at your fingertips. Feature rich and full of essential information.


Instantly identify dangerous food additives and
cosmetics ingredients with ease.

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The Chemical Maze book was written to make it simpler and easier to recognize food additives and cosmetic ingredients having the potential to cause discomfort and ill-health. With this recognition comes freedom of choice and for many a new lease on life.

  • All you need to identify the Food Additives or Cosmetic Ingredients that can cause issues
  • Share discovered information with your friends and families
  • Search for food additives by name or INS Number
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The essential shopping companion.

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THE CHEMICAL MAZE SHOPPING COMPANION 10th Anniversary edition (Your Guide to Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients) continues to be the book of choice when it comes to providing consumers with easily understood information on the potential health effects of food additives and ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. This latest edition is fully revised and updated with over 400 new entries.

  • The powertool that fits comfortably in your pocket

Here is an invaluable companion on your shopping trips to the supermarket. Learn to recognise consumer friendly foods and personal care products so you can protect your health and the health of your family.

  • Over 150,000 copies sold around the world
I was blessed to come across The Chemical Maze as a teenager and have always bought the updated editions of the book. Bill?s knowledge is incredible and I respect him, his work and his commitment to making a difference to others.
Miranda Kerr xxx
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The essential shopping companion.

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Over 10 years of ongoing research
Helps you to choose safer products
Fits conveniently into your pocket or purse
Simple layout makes it quick and easy to use
Gives useful information on hundreds of substances

  • Extensive Content

Complete and extensive content coverage. Detailed INS and E numbers, additive information covering, functions (for example thickeners, stablisers etc), potential effects (allergic etc) and possible uses (used in food for jelly, infant foods etc). .

  • Comprehensive detail

A comprehensive list of over 1200 additives / ingredients
Detailed description on each food additive item
Detailed description on each cosmetic additive item
Visual face indicators showing how user friendly each additive / ingredient is from safe and/or beneficial through to potentially hazardous to your health
Functions information, showing detailed usage of the additive from over one hundred categories such as colors, stabilisers, antioxidant, flavour enhancer etc

It is not until you come face to face to illness caused by food additives in everything do you appreciate a handy tool such as the Chemical Maze.
Click here to read this testimonial and more

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